Segmentation of epithelial cells from Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) stained breast slides.
The model segments and separates epithelium into benign epithelium, in situ lesions, and invasive epithelium.
More info can be found at:
The method and model is described in the paper "Immunohistochemistry guided segmentation of benign epithelial cells, in situ lesions, and invasive epithelial cells in breast cancer slides"
ID: breast-epithelium-segmentation-fp
Downloads: 44
Authors: Maren Høibø, André Pedersen, Vibeke Grotnes Dale, Sissel Marie Berget, Borgny Ytterhus, Cecilia Lindskog, Elisabeth Wik, Lars A. Akslen, Ingerid Reinertsen, Erik Smistad, Marit Valla, Maren Høibø
Copyrights: NTNU, SINTEF
CC BY-SA 4.0